Research the country of your destination, get as much information as possible about the places you intend to visit. Get yourself familiar with local customs and regulations. Travelmake's Destination Guides is a good place to start. Our online Travel Store offers a range of safety items for travelers. Here you can also purchase detailed maps, informative guidebooks, first aid kits and other items necessary for making your trip safe.
- Obtain travel insurance, preferably with the plan that provides direct, immediate payment to the medical provider.
- Before you leave, photocopy your documents and tickets so it would be easier to replace them if they are lost or stolen.
- Keep a low profile. Try to blend in with the locals as best you can. Leave expensive jewelry and precious valuables at home.
- Do not discuss your travel plans publicly.
- Stay alert, especially in high-risk countries.
- Do not expose your valuables (money, documents, jewelry, etc.), keep them locked in the hotel safe.
- Carry only small amounts of cash.
- Wear a consealed money belt, keep your essential documents and money in it.
- Each time you use your credit card, keep an eye on it until it is returned to you. Check credit cards when they are returned.
- Never leave your personal items unattended.
- Respect local customs and regulations.
- If you get into trouble, contact the nearest embassy.
- If you are unfamiliar with the local language, write down some key phrases in the local language.
- In case of theft, get a police report immediately if you'll be making an insurance claim. Thefts of traveler's checks must be reported within 24 hours.
Check in as fast as you can and do not delay in the main terminal area. Do not discuss your travel plans with fellow passengers, crew, or even traveling companions. Get yourself familiar with exits and safe areas. Try to stay away from unattended baggage.
Verify baggage claim checks before and after flight. Never leave your luggage unattended. Stay calm and alert. Try to occupy a window seat in the coach section.
This position is less accessible by hijackers.
Get a card with the hotel's name and address. You can show it to a cab driver if you get lost. Stay in hotels on well-traveled streets in safer areas of the city of your destination.
Lower level floors are safer in case of fire.
Although, avoid the first floor as it is the best location for burglars.
Get yourself familiar with the location of stairways, fire escapes routes, emergency exits and alarms.
Keep your hotel room door locked at all times. Before opening the door to a stranger, verify who it is.
Never invite strangers into your hotel room.
Never leave your valuables (a camera, documents, jewelry, etc.) lying around where hotel employees can see them.
Before leaving you room for the day, put the "Do not disturb" sign on your door to give the impression that the room is occupied. When you are ready for the room to be cleaned, call the maid.
Use the hotel safe to store valuables.
Carry the room key with you, do not leave it at front desk.
Do not use your name when answering the phone.
When returning to your hotel at night, use the main entrance.
Be observant before entering parking lots.
If a fire starts take your key before leaving the room, as most hotel doors lock automatically. Do not use elevators during a fire. If you encounter heavy smoke in the stairwell, do not try to run through it, you may not make it. Turn around and walk up to the roof fire exit.
If all exits are blocked or if there is heavy smoke in the hallway, you will be better off staying in your room. If there is smoke in your room, open a window and turn on the bathroom vent. If your phone works, call the desk to tell them where you are, or call the fire department to report your location in the building.
Hang a bed sheet out the window as a signal. Fill the bathtub with water to use for fire fighting. Bail water onto your door or any hot walls. Stuff wet towels into cracks under and around doors where smoke can enter.
Place a wet towel over your mouth and nose to help filter out smoke. If you are above the second floor, you will be better off fighting the fire in your room than jumping.
Buy a map, familiarize yourself with the city and location of your hotel. With the help of hotel employees locate unsafe areas of the city and avoid visiting them by any means.
Do not stay out on the streets late at night.
When walking, remain on wide, well-lit streets. If necessary, arrange for taxi service. Watch your drinks being poured.
Never accept a drink from a stranger. Get advice from your hotel workers about reputable restaurants and other entertainment.
Never resist armed robbery, it could lead to violence.
We wish you a successful and safe trip!.
Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.
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By: TravelMake -